Saturday, February 20, 2010

Feel Better Naturally

How many times have YOU tried to feel better at the "doctor's" and it just did not work?? Maybe you even got worse from taking drugs? What did you try next?? More drugs to cover up the first set of side effects?  And then another drug to deal with those side effects?  Did that work?  Did you get any better?  Pretty soon you’re on several prescription drugs and no better than you were to begin with.  In fact you’re probably much sicker.
So why do we hurt in the first place? Well, let’s say your heart hurts from a bad divorce.  You’re trying to take care of everyone around you and make sure they’re okay, all the while not allowing yourself to deal with the pain that you feel.  Your heart, being the storage house of feelings undigested, registers to your body that it is not well and shows up as......... physical pain in the neck or butt, literally.  What do you do?

Maybe you just feel lost, disconnected, depressed, stuck and need some guidance into light. Those undigested emotions may show up as a stomach digestive disorder, or worse.  Do you compensate by eating bread, sugar, caffeine, alcohol and wonder why your kidneys/liver are failing? Physical pain is the body’s first red light warning to PAY ATTENTION to NOW, not later.

Fortunately, the solutions are so ridiculously simple, safe, and empowering like no pill ever offered! If this makes you a tiny bit curious as to how you could’ve been so dooped/misled, well, a kind little lady will clear it all up for you in a few sessions of profound bodywork, breath work and stretches that release all traumas, hurts and the core causing patterns.  You can stop bad habits inherited from parents, who probably didn’t know better, or let go of a haunting memory that leads one down a tough wrong road.  The time to build a new foundation and beliefs that belong just to you and your awesome individuality is NOW!  Reacquaint yourself with precious innocence, JOY, ENERGY and enthusiasm. Let's welcome YOU HOME together inside the body BEFORE being too old or too sick.
If you want to learn this skill of healing for certification, Heather will be teaching this March at the new integrative healing arts massage school called ASIS right here in Flagstaff....Stay tuned for more...........

You can also join us for Ananda Hatha Yoga at Canyon Dance Academy every Sat. 9-10 for Beginners and more to chant, learn mediation skills, and strengthen the body while being flexible! For more information or to register for the class, please call 928-522-6004.  Location for the class is located at the bottom of this article.

Blessings ~ Heather Bostian
Holistic Bodywork Design
Voted BEST bodyworker 2 years

1 comment:

  1. Awesome blog post Heather...

    This great content would do a lot better on a WordPress Blog, you've got a gift that the world needs to know about!

    Nicholas Klein
